Photos galore!

Click on a link below to access a photo gallery. For cat photos, please refer to our extensive cats section.

Scanned some prints of Hawkeye, Rachael's brother's new dog. Dang, he is cute.

I had a roll of Velvia burning a hole in my pocket. I shot some slides of Kevin and Jeff's garden, but I kept some scans for myself. :)

Our visit with Brock and family, including Jenny, Auntie and Uncle Sung, cousin Jim and his wife MaryAnn, and MaryAnn's mom.

Our first gallery: Brock Tucker Lu is Rachael's adorable little nephew. He was born on October 22, 2002. He is featured with his parents Wayne and Jenny, grandparents, and us, Auntie Rachael and Uncle Dan.

Next gallery: Sammy Swinkin, cousin of Sebastian and Magda. He can be found here with his humans, Jeff and Rachel, as well as Rachael (note the 'a').

Some black and white scans of the schola (scans done in april of '04).

Some color scans of the usf choir (scanned may '04). I took these when I wasn't busy trying to fix a malfunctioning organ console...